Dreams filled eyes looking for a snowy sky with a pinch of
The blue crystal of the ocean expanded to the horizon
The horizon, the ocean and the sky are deep embraced
Like the eyelids…. Closely shut, dreaming …lots of colors
The expression with grace and glamour playing on the face
As if the wave of emotions swept over arousing the feelings
Waves playing on the heart of the earth as made for each
Carrying the sand particles and leaving behind foam and wet
Which too evaporates with the span of time leaving stains behind
Abandoned earth…with tint of tears…the salty water…with salt
Likewise the life is abandoned from smiles…from heartbeat
Eyes are blank….lacking the hope to smile again, to live
The fissures created are deep and painful… can’t be filled
Still….the earth is waiting for the comeback of the waves
To make her alive, to wet her, to confiscate her, to adore
To abandon her, isolate her, with tint of tears and lots of pain…